I get unfollowed by many people just because I haven't posted for a few days~…( ´ . _ . ` )💦

It's sad that we talked so many times, but I guess it can't be helped if he didn't like me~🥹💦

See you again in next life, old friend~!​:ablobangel:​✨


@sakasato I’m following you because I wanna subscribe your post. It doesn’t matter if I like you or not. However I see many people who follow somebody because they want to have interaction. I can’t understand because this is micro blogging service not private chat…

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@atsuchan あ、全然日本語で大丈夫ですよ〜₍₍🐟⁾⁾💦
あなたのような方もいらっしゃるのは承知の上で勝手に言ってるだけですので、もちろん強要できるものじゃないのは理解してますし、わざわざリプしなくても理解できない感情なら流してくれていいし、それでも不快ならブロックするなり自衛してください〜:( ;´꒳`;):💦

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